2024 Divisions
Flag Football
Tackle Football
- Rookie (1st & 2nd Grade)
- 3rd - 4th Grade (2nd Grade has option to play up)
- 5th - 6th Grade
All kids who played in KFL in 2021 will remain on the same team in 2022 unless they choose to enter the draft to switch teams. Either way is fine - it's up to the individual player. 2021 KFL players are guaranteed a roster spot in 2022 if they register before May 20. After this date, spots are not guaranteed due to the limited number of teams. The Flag Division will be one division comprised of 5,6 and 7 year-olds.
KFL players are not allowed to play in other leagues or on a middle school team. Sixth graders who register for KFL and then make their middle school team will get a refund.
For KFL Football, please contact us at [email protected]
KFL focuses on the following:
- Safety – Kids will learn the fundamentals through age based training with Safety as the top priority through the NFL Heads Up Program (click here to see Top NFL Coaches praise the NFL Heads Up Program)
- Coach Certification through USA Football, NFL Heads Up program and Clinics taught by area High School coaches
- National Volunteer Screening to ensure kids are exposed to the right role models as coaches and volunteers
- Everyone Plays no matter what age group
- Affiliation with the NFL through USA Football to give coaches, parents and players a wealth of resources to enhance the youth football experience for all parties involved
- Endorsed by local High School Coaches (Apollo, Daviess County, Owensboro Catholic High School, McLean County, Hancock County, Muhlenberg County & Owensboro High School)
- Kids will be rewarded for their Academic Success off the field with KFL’s Academic Program
- Character Development will be taught through the affiliation with FCA (www.fca.org)
- KFL will adopt a Community Project (the NFL's "A Crucial Catch" program to fight breast cancer) to emphasize volunteering and giving to our community